A Living Ocean

A Living Ocean

From March till September 2020, we joined the fight against plastic pollution along the Norwegian coast together with Norges Miljøvernforbund and In the Same Boat.
100% Donated
Goal : NOK 100,000.00
NOK 100,000.00
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Since March 16th 2020 till the present date, young volunteers (18-28 years old) from many different countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Syria and Spain) have participated in the beach clean-up project called “Levende Hav” along the Norwegian coast. This project consists of the ongoing fight against plastic pollution in our oceans and is being carried out thanks to the common effort between Norges Miljøvernforbund and In the Same Boat.

During months, we removed many tons of plastic along the Norwegian coast with the majority of the waste originating from the fishing and aquaculture industries,  as well as a great deal from oil and shipping companies, and domestic garbage. In total, we have collected more than 65 tons of plastic from dozens of beaches spread over 100 km from the northernmost part of Øygarden all the way south to Bømlo.

None of which would have been possible without the priceless help of our volunteers. After all, they are the ones working long days in all sorts of weather conditions and giving their time for the cause.

We hope that the greatest value of our actions is that they inspire

Kevin OchoaCofounder MarineWide

Core values

Levende Hav brings together many young people who share similar environmental values and concerns about the global issues our generation and the upcoming ones are facing. A common attitude amongst us all, is that we must strive for change and cannot remain passive towards the endless anthropogenic impacts we learn about.

Picking plastic from beaches is one way of helping our planet and the means through which we can learn and share valuable life lessons

The greatest value of our actions is that they inspire

Teamwork and creating community

The enrichment of intercultural cohabitation

The importance of giving back to nature

The joy of the outdoors

As we pick up more and more plastic from countless beaches, we come to the realization that the magnitude of the plastic problem in the oceans is bigger than we imagined and that we cannot fix it alone. It requires the common effort of all human beings to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated. Therefore, we hope that every beach we clean may inspire at least one more person, to take part in this fight too.

The familiar and welcoming atmosphere we create within the project makes the long tough days easily bearable. Partnership, collaboration and altruism are three main pillars of our every-day life, which keep a healthy and balanced cohabitation within the “plastic family”.

After dinner around the table, we often find time to discuss and take part in thought provoking conversations. Regardless of the topic, these become more didactic because of the cultural differences that offer up new perspectives to the matter.

Nature provides us with fresh air, clean water and food. In return we exploit its resources to the limit to sustain our consumerist lifestyle and give back polluted air and water. Picking plastic from beaches is our way to give back to nature just a small percentage of what it gives us.

Since we work outdoors in all types of weather, there is no way around but to adopt the saying “There´s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing”. That way, nothing holds us back from making the most of all that nature has to offer us. Hiking, swimming, sailing, fishing, kayaking, stand-up paddling, climbing, cliff diving and freediving, being some of the many activities that we have enjoyed throughout the project here in Norway.

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